Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jenna's Karate Picture

I just love Jenna's most recent Karate picture. She picked the background, pose and prop. I think it is totally awesome! She says the wolf reminds her of Jacob from the Twilight series, which, by the way, she read quite awhile after picking the background.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wierd weekend

Last Saturday, or really Sunday, I had a strange experience. I worked outside most of the day Saturday, pulling weeds (more like prying them out of the ground!), pruning plants, laying some cement pavers, scraping cement off of our window from back when the pool was poured (the pool builder never bothered to clean it up), then finally, Lee and I went for a walk Saturday evening.
So, about 2:00 am Sunday, I woke up to excruciating pain in my hands, knees and feet - and they were all stiff and swollen! It was pretty scary because I had no idea why. We thought maybe I was having an allergic reaction to the Rye Grass I pulled, or the cement dust from the windows, or even the wine I drank - or a combination of them all...
I slowly got better as the day went on, and then Monday, Lee insisted that I go to the doctor. I was almost back to normal so I felt silly, but I went anyway - Joel and Jenna both ended up sick so we all went together. The doctor kind of chuckled and said he sees this all the time - people just overdo it and the body responds like that. He was very kind and didn't mention that my age might have been a contributing factor. I guess I learned a lesson and will be a bit more careful about what I try to tackle in a one day period!!

Oh, Joel is a lot better now, but Jenna actually got a bit worse as the week progressed, so I took her back to the doctor today. They did a strep culture Monday - negative. So today, they did a flu swab - also negative. The doctor said she has an ILI - Influenza Like Illness. It is a virus, but not the flu. But the treatment is the same as for the flu. She actually seems to be feeling better this afternoon, thank goodness.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Twins ? (34 years apart!)

Credits: Rub On Alpha by Digitreats; Torn Paper Alpha by retrodiva; Background Paper, Stamps by SweetDigiScraps; Mom's Typewriter Font

My mother had always told me that in this picture of my dad holding her, Jenna looked just like me when I was a baby. Well, I was recently looking through my parents' old slides and found this picture of my grandfather holding me and I think my mother was right!!

Old Photos at the El Paso Aerial Tramway

Credits: Background Paper, Flourishes - My Boys Kit by Heather Watson; Index Cards - Something's Cooking Kit by Atomic Cupcake; Stringed Tag - Saturday in the Park Kit by Linda Walton; Stapled Tag - Blue Spring Kit by Marcee J. Duggar; Frames - Katie Pertiet

I was scanning some old slides the other day and came across one that really surprised me. I already knew about the one of me with the handkerchief on my head - I remember seeing that one a long time ago. But I had no idea there was a second one!!
I am so thankful that my parents took so many pictures when I was growing up! I am also thankful for a scanner that will scan slides.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bad Blogger

OK- So I've been a really bad blogger. But I'm back. It's been a kind of difficult winter with all this horrible ecomomic stuff going on. We had a week-long unpaid furlough in January. It wouldn't have been too bad but it came at the tail-end of our 2-week Christmas shutdown. I wish I could have just gone into work then and taken the time off say about - NOW! Ha ha. Oh well, I am just thankful to still have my job. Since October, my company has lost about 400 people - with a very generous voluntary severance package and then an involuntary layoff. Scary times!!
In January, I was in a car accident. It was not too bad - a dog ran out in front of me and stopped! So I stopped - the lady behind me also stopped - but, the guy behind her did not. He must have been going really fast because the front of his truck and the back of her SUV were really crunched. The back of my van was also crunched, but not nearly as bad as theirs. Thankfully, nobody got hurt (not even the dog). I did get a lot of calls from people wanting to fix either my van or me!! amazing.
Oh well, the van has been repaired and looks good as new.